Nutrilite Soy Protein Drink – Green Tea Flavour (450g) | Amway Brunei

No. In fact, it may help you if you are on a diet. The amino acids in the protein may help keep your blood sugar levels stable. This is important because the powder stops your craving for food that occurs when your blood sugar level drops. If your diet is too high in carbohydrates, your blood sugar levels fluctuate. You go from a burst of energy and feeling full, to being hungry. In addition, if you are dieting, one serving of Nutrilite Soy Protein Drink Mix (Mixed Berries Flavour) gives you just 95 calories, which is better than getting your protein from a heavy meal, which may contain hundreds of calories.

Protein is quite stable even in the presence of heat. We cook eggs and meat, which are also high-protein foods, and there is no loss of nutritional value. Cooking protein with other food will also not result in the loss of nutritional value.

Yes, it all depends on how much protein you want in your diet. However, the health authorities strongly recommend cutting back on fat, which could mean cutting back on protein foods that also contain plenty of fat, for example, meat and eggs. Nutrilite Protein Drink Mix is one way of getting high-quality protein with minimum fat and cholesterol.

The baby should be at least one year old before consuming Nutrilite Protein Powder. In very young children, it is best to limit Nutrilite Protein Powder to one serving a day. A baby does not need additional protein while being breast-fed because it gets plenty of protein from its mother’s milk. If a child gets too much protein at a very early age, there’s a possibility of overloading the kidneys and causing dehydration. If a healthy child aged one or above is consuming at least three meals a day that contain meat, fish, poultry, eggs or dairy products, protein supplementation is not necessary. But if a child consumes little or no animal products, one serving of Protein Powder is recommended.

There are no known side effects of taking this product. Minor gastrointestinal discomfort may occur in people who do not readily digest protein products. Although rare, allergic reactions are also a possibility.

The product may be taken with other dietary supplements as long as the suggested use for each product is carefully followed.

Though the product has not been tested for any interactions with prescription medication, possible interactions with the soy protein isolate are not ruled out. Please consult your doctor for further advice.

No. The sensory characteristics such as flavour, odour, and texture are not guaranteed past the expiration date.

Gout is caused by the build-up of too much uric acid in the body. Uric acid comes from the breakdown of a substance called purine, which is found in all of your body’s tissues. All sources of dietary protein contain certain amounts of purine. Foods high in purines include meat, fish, seafood, poultry, sweetbreads, kidneys, liver, brains, and vegetables like asparagus, cauliflower, mushrooms, spinach, and dry beans (lentils and peas).

Although Nutrilite Protein Powder is low in purine level (one serving of Nutrilite All Plant Protein Powder contains less than 15 mg of purines. One serving of Nutrilite Mixed Berries/Chocolate/Green Tea contains less than 20 mg of purines), it is advisable for anyone having gout to check with their physician before taking the product.

What Causes Gout?
Normally, uric acid in the body dissolves in the blood. It passes through the kidneys and out of the body in urine. But uric acid can build up in the blood when:

  • The body increases the amount of uric acid it makes.
  • The kidneys do not get rid of enough uric acid.
  • A person eats too many foods high in purines.
    High uric acid levels in the blood cause hyperuricemia. Most people with hyperuricemia may not develop gout. But if excess uric acid crystals form in the body, gout can develop.

    What Can People With Gout Do to Stay Healthy?
    Some things that you can do to stay healthy are:
  • Take the medicines your doctor prescribes as directed.
  • Tell your doctor about all the medicines and vitamins you are taking.
  • Plan follow-up visits with your doctor.
  • Maintain a healthy, balanced diet. Avoid foods that are high in purines, and drink plenty of water.
  • Exercise regularly and maintain a healthy body weight.

Therapeutic guidelines for people with kidney problems typically include protein restriction. However, in healthy people, there is no evidence to suggest that a high protein intake adversely affects the kidneys.

For healthy people, collective scientific studies indicate that dietary levels of soy protein do not significantly impact male hormone levels. Soy contains isoflavones that are “phytoestrogens” and have some similarity with oestrogens, but they act differently than oestrogen hormone in the body. There are no human studies at this time to show that consuming soy can change testosterone levels, sperm count or quality, or anatomy of the penis in men. Consumption of 40-70 mg/day of soy isoflavones in 2-4 servings of soy-based foods has not been shown to affect testosterone or oestrogen levels in men and women.

Soy protein isolate is 90% protein, soy protein concentrate is 70% protein, and soy flour is 50% protein.

It depends on the type of product. If you eat soybeans or a textured soy protein substitute that contains soy sugars, you will probably notice the same effect as eating any other bean. However, most isolated soy proteins are primarily protein, with very little sugar, so they should not cause such a problem.

The preference is to use certified identity-preserved (IP) ingredients wherever possible. This means that the ingredients are derived from non-GMO sources and that strict measures are in place to alleviate GMO contamination during all stages of the process.

The reality is that it is not possible for Nutrilite or any provider to guarantee 100% GMO-free soy or any other ingredient due to factors such as pollen drift, cross-contamination by wildlife, residue from processing and handling equipment, or from GMO-contaminated transportation vehicles. To combat these issues, a proactive stance in assuring the quality of the ingredients is put in place through the NUTRICERT programme which includes minimising genetic drift through buffer zone requirements and other sustainable farming practices that specifically preserve the integrity of the original genetic material in our plants.

Nutrilite Protein Powders provide high quality protein, which means they contain adequate amounts of all of the essential amino acids in a form your body can use with other dietary protein for growth, maintenance, and repair of tissues.

All Nutrilite Protein Powder products provide 8 g - 10 g of high quality protein. While there will be differences in individual amino acids, the overall amino acid quality is similar. There are several reasons for these differences.

  • The amount of individual amino acids may be different because (1) the sources of protein are different and/or (2) the amount of protein provided by the product is slightly different.
  • The amount of individual amino acids also varies from test-to-test. In fact, numbers can vary up to 30%. This is due to natural variation within the product itself as well as analytical variation associated with the test methods.
  • Because of the variation, an individual amino acid profile for a given protein product is only meant as a guide and is not a 100% accurate number.

The sensory quality of this product may be affected by environmental conditions such as exposure to heat, air, and moisture. Exposure to these conditions is not expected to affect nutrient content. However, it is recommended this product be stored in a cool, dry place to maximise product quality.

All Nutrilite products, which are classified as health supplements and sold in Malaysia, are registered with the Drug Control Authority and Malaysia Ministry of Health (MOH), and carry the MOH approval number on their labeling (for example, MAL12345678).

Please be assured that AMWAY is committed to meeting the regulatory requirements and respecting the religious issues of all the countries in which we market products, particularly the unique requirements of the Muslim community.

We give you our assurance that the products currently available through AMWAY (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd do not contain ingredients originating from non-Halal sources or its derivatives.

We are very pleased to advise that products with the Nutrilite brand name in the Nutrition & Wellness range sold by AMWAY (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd are certified Halal by the Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA). AMWAY's contract manufacturer for Nutrilite softgel products, RP Scherer, also has Halal certifications from IFANCA.

Additionally, the beef gelatin used in our softgel products are also certified Halal.

Yes, they can.

Nutrilite products are the only global vitamin and mineral brand to grow, harvest and process plants on their own certified organic farms. This claim is certified based on a survey by Euromonitor International. The organic farming technique is certified by independent bodies as shown below:

Brazil Farm
Certification by IBD (Instituto Biodinamico), Brazil
Certified organic and complies to IBD standards equivalent to ECC2092/91 and IFOAM standards.

El-Petacal Farm, Mexico
Certification by Oregon Tilth Certified Organic (OTCO), Class O (Organically Grown).

Trout Lake, Washington
Certification by Washington State Department of Agriculture - in accordance with Title 7CFR Part 205 National Organic Program.

Constipation could occur due to the lack of fibre or insufficient water intake. It is important to eat at least four to five servings of fruits and vegetables daily to ensure a sufficient intake of fibre. You could also consider taking Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables or Nutri Fibre Blend, which contains both soluble and insoluble fibre to supplement your diet.​

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